Friday, May 23, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Teen Power Basketball Discipling Teams

Here's the list and some info. More will be posted later!

Games should all be 8 min quarters with a running clock and are to be played four on four with substitutions unless both teams have five players a piece. Team orange is made up of mostly players who weren’t sure if they were able to commit full-time playing. Captains, please try to be as consistent as possible because you are the key to making this work. If you can’t be there that night please find a substitution (either from Team Orange or another trusted spiritual leader). Make it fun and creative (team jerseys, dew-rags, etc…) and the best possible time for the teens. Any questions just e-mail me at (Cell: 513 479-7648) or go to the TP blog (

Captain: Donny Hollenbeck (Red) (513 310-3581)
Cortney Webb (513 389-1226)
Stan Lee (513 681-5710)
Cameron Gilliam
Marcus Jamison (513 721-4202)

Captain: Steve Klotz (Blue) (513 410-0521)
Marty Jamison (513 721-4202)
Jerome Freeman
Antwan Johnson (513-365-6514)
Aaron Baskin
Dominique Biggers (513-381-3606)

Captain: Ezra Byer (Green)
Isaiah Edwards (859 814-1984)
Geoffrey Johnson (859 363-1234)
Anthony Frederick (513 260-9302)
Cortney Webb (513 389-1226)

Captain: Steve Buckland (Yellow)
Justin Cruise (513-473-6428)
Justin Jamison (513 721-4202)
Dominique Biggers (513-381-3991)
Timothy (513 388-8118)

Captain: Matt Hallam (Purple)
Antonio Webb (513 389-1226)
Chris Watson (513 961-4892)
Kevin Johnson
Steve Erwin (513 681-0195)

Captain: Joe Springer (Orange)
Tyler Bishop (616-835-3026)
Nolan Sams (616 824-0730)
Daniel Bond (660 353-1024)
Linda Hutton
Jasmine Jamison (513 721-4202)

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Teen Power was at the Dayton YMCA Tuesday Night. Thanks to everyone who was there and made it a success by helping out. The important thing is to remember that in youth ministry or in working with teens the key is to build relationships. They only know Christ's love through you. 

Note: Pictures will be posted as soon as the network will cooperate. Thanks!

Summer Discipleship Program

Ezra is planning a Basketball Discipleship Program over the summer. If you haven't signed up already, see Ezra and sign up now! If you are going to be here in Cincinnati, here is what we're planning: 

Who: You!
What: Basketball and discipling
When: Saturday evenings from 5:00-7:00 PM
Where: Nassau Courts by Walnut Hills
How: 4:45 at Matt & Dorcas' for time of prayer
   5:00 Teens will be picked up by group leaders
   5:25 Teens will meet at court
   5:30 Captains will take groups and lead them in a 10-15 minute accountability/one on one time with the teens
   5:45 The games will start (Hopefully jerseys will be provided)
   1. Referees will be the workers on hand
   2. Each game is to be 3 on 3, but each time will have a group of 4 in case of someone being absent
   3. Games will be 8 minute quarters with a running clock
Why: There is a need for discipling and one on one interaction with the teens that a regular church service can't give

Monday, May 12, 2008

Teen Power at YMCA

Announcement: Teen Power will be held tomorrow night at the YMCA across the river in Dayton, KY. (If you need directions please email or call me) To the best of my knowledge this is something special that we are doing because of the end of the semester, or maybe just because. Join us for some fun, food and games! It's a pizza party!! You'll come if you know what's good for you. *smiles*

Note: Prayer Meeting tonight @ 9:00 PM.

Also, thanks to Sarah who gave her personal testimony last week in Teen Power! Sarah Williams spoke last week and told about how she grew up in a Christian home but still did things that she knew were wrong. She gave a story about lying to her parents and how God showed her that because of this and other sins that she needed Jesus as her Savior. She also related to the teens the need for a full surrender after God has forgiven them of their sins. Sarah closed by asking the teens if they knew where they would go if they died tonight. It really puts it in perspective when you realize that many teens are walking towards hell, and if we don't intervene they will suffer in that torturous place for eternity. Life is but a breath, don't waste your time. Make sure you are doing whatever you can to make an ever after difference in the life of a teen!

PS. Details on an exciting new discipling program coming soon!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Finals Week Teen Power

May 6, 2008

Speaker: Sarah Williams
Game: Sam McConkey
Devotional/Skit: Ezra Byer
Music: ???

(Remember to spend some time talking to God about the teens and the ministry.)