Monday, April 28, 2008

Prayer Meeting

Hey guys, don't forget prayer meeting tonight @ 9:00!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2 Things

Schedule: April 29, 2008

Special Song/Worship: Bill Fish
Devotional: Sarah Williams
Speaker: Josh Neal
Fun & Games: (emphasis on fun!) Justin Jamison

(Note: This is a recital night for GBS music majors, so whoever can come to make up for lost help would be greatly appreciated!)

2 things:

1. I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of a little feature on the blog that you can use. Underneath the posts there is a little button labeled:  O COMMENTS - If you click on this, a window should pop up allowing you to make comments. You can post your comments using a blogger account, your own name, or you can just do it anonymously, (although it'd be great for you to put your name there somewhere). Feel free to put up prayer requests, make general comments, ask questions, do anything! 

2. Thanks to all who showed up for the prayer meeting today at Ezra's. We were talking afterwards and we want to do something for the teens. Basically, Teen Power involves involving ourselves in the teen's lives, and developing personal relationships with them (No matter how close or distant). It's important for us to do this in any ministry especially youth ministry. This also increases their respect of you and makes you more effective. Here's the deal: MAKE IT A POINT TO DO ONE THING WITH ONE TEEN BEFORE THE SCHOOL YEAR IS OVER. You can spend time talking, get them something to eat, play basketball with 'em, just do something! 

For the record, you guys are awesome.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Teen Power:
April 22, 2008

Master of Ceremonies: Joe Hough
Music: Teens 
Piano: Jessica Cravens
Game: Teens
Speakers: Daniel Bond, Jacinda Cravens, Jessica Cravens, Bill Fish, Sam McConkey, Josh Neal, Melissa Phelps, Cortney Raines, Maria Stetler, Sarah Williams

Our idea is to have each person speak on a different commandment from the 10 Commandments. Each person should speak 2 minutes or less. This plans for about 20 minutes of speaking. Be creative! Try giving Scripture verses, stories and illustrations, skits, object lessons, personal reasons to follow this commandment, anything!  Basically just get up there and make your point about the commandment. If you want to swap a commandment to speak on among each other that is fine, as long as we have a different TP worker speaking on each commandment. Be relevant. Ask yourself, how would the teens follow this commandment? The list is as follows: 

1. Josh Neal (You shall have no other gods before me)
2. Jessica Cravens (You shall not make a graven image)
3. Daniel Bond (You shall not take the Lord's name in vain)
4. Sarah Williams (Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy)
5. Jacinda Cravens (Honor your father and mother)
6. Maria Stetler (You shall not kill) 
7. Sam McConkey (You shall not commit adultery)
8. Bill Fish (You shall not steal)
9. Cortney Raines (You shall not lie)
10. Melissa Phelps (You shall not covet)


Prayer Meeting Monday Night: 9:00 PM.
We are meeting in the Gale Center for just a few minutes to pray. 
Please come join us.

Who: You
What: Fasting
When: Tuesday (any or all meals)
Why: For prayer and for the teens, and Teen Power
How: Any way you would like

Also, there is a time of prayer and fasting at Ezra Byer's house every Wednesday @ 12:30 PM. It is a brief time of sharing and prayer. We would love for you to join us. 

Remember that we are in a battle. Prayer is how the job gets done! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

04152008 -Basketball

Tonight's Teen Power included a lesson from Melissa on the Sermon on the Mount. She talked about having a good foundation for your house (your life). In order to have this, you have to be hungering and thirsting after God. We also must be the salt of the earth. Basically, salt adds flavor and we as Christians are to be a different flavor than the world. Are we different? Also she mentioned the ten commandments and how Jesus took them a step further. She ended with an example on prayer from Jesus' sermon: the Lord's Prayer. Afterwards we played basketball. Fun stuff tonight!

Monday, April 14, 2008


Teen Power.

Schedule for April 15, 2008 is as follows:

MC: Unknown
Prayer: Volunteer
Music: Teens
Games: Ezra Byer/Bill Fish
Devotional: Sam McConkey
Speaker: Melissa Phelps

Don't forget Prayer Meeting - Monday nights @9:00 PM!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New Blog

Hey everyone, this is the new Teen Power blog. This is where you can get all your updates. There will be updates each week as to who is speaking, and what will be going on. Also, we want to have prayer requests on here so we can pray specifically. We also would like to post pictures and videos randomly. This will be the online access spot for everything to do with Teen Power. 

Ever After Difference is quite simply all about changing the eternal destination in the lives of teens. We want to make a difference in their ever after (eternity). We want them to be passionate disciples of Christ going to Heaven and not slaves of Satan bound in darkness on their way to Hell. 
